Home » Spain’s first woman president? Yolanda Diaz agrees
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Spain’s first woman president? Yolanda Diaz agrees

Yolanda Diaz, Spain´s popular Labour Minister, announced on Sunday that she wants to be the first female president of the Spanish Government, at the official launch of her election bid leading the new political movement, ‘Sumar’.

In July 2022 Díaz launched the new political movement called Sumar  (meaning ‘to add’) which she hopes will eventually include all parties to the left of Sánchez’s socialists.

In a crowded sports centre in the heart of Madrid yesterday (April 2) —with more than 3,000 people inside and another 2,000 who saw her speech through external screens, Diaz presented the program lines of her project, defined as a new “bill of rights” and a democratic, economic and social “contract” for the Spain of the “next decade”.

“Today I am going to take a step forward, I want to be the first president of Spain. Because it is the time of women, because we women want to be the protagonists of history ”, the leader of Sumar announced in a speech where she said she was “tired of guardianships ”.

Largely unknown three years ago, the 51-year-old Díaz moved under the political spotlight in January 2020 when she entered the government as a representative of Podemos.

Opinion polls show Díaz, a lifelong member of the Communist party and currently deputy prime minister in the coalition government led by Pedro Sánchez of the socialists (PSOE) and left-wing Podemos group, as Spain’s most popular politician.

She is lately trying to unite all the left-wing parties under one banner ahead of a tight general election at the end of 2023 which will determine if  Sánchez can remain in office.

Díaz, known as a good negotiator, frequently argues that to ‘win a country, we need everyone’. She announced on Sunday that Sumar will take part in the next general election to be held in December with her leading.

Source: euroweeklynews
