Home » Marlene Apples Fly Flag on Women’s Run Across Spain
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Marlene Apples Fly Flag on Women’s Run Across Spain

Spain’s Carrera de la Mujer race puts a focus on healthy lifestyles among women, offering Italy’s Vog an ideal occasion to promote the Marlene brand

Marlene apples renewed their partnership with the Carrera de la Mujer, a women’s charity race held across Spain between March and November, providing an opportunity to promote the healthy attributes of the Marlene brand, the so-called “daughter of the Alps”.

The Carrera kicked off in Gran Canaria, before moving to Valencia, Madrid, Vitoria, Gijon, A Coruña, Seville, Zaragoza and finally Barcelona.

“Marlene organised lots of initiatives to involve participating consumers, beginning with the presence in Madrid and Barcelona of Cristina Mitre, journalist, author of The Beauty Mail blog and creator of the multi-award winning El Podcast de Cristina Mitre,” the Vog Consortium revealed.

Mitre had been the face of Marlene at the Carrera on two previous occasions, and this year ran races on 7 May and 12 November.

Marlene flags and banners featured prominently on the race route, while samples of Marlene apples were distributed to runners at the after-race gazebo.

“For many Spanish consumers, Marlene is synonymous with flavour and well-being,” said Hannes Tauber, marketing manager at VOG. “For this reason we were really happy to renew our historic partnership with the Carrera de la Mujer, an initiative that promotes female health in all its aspects. Our brand champion in Madrid and Barcelona, journalist and podcaster Cristina Mitre, is the absolute embodiment of these values and it was a real pleasure to have her by our side again this year.”

Source: Fruit Net
